Celebrating Team Member Birthdays: A Human-First Approach to Leadership

culture Nov 08, 2023

Introduction to Circle Leadership Global 

Our purpose is to evolve the way organisations think and act by prioritizing a human-first approach. 

We understand that to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape, leaders and companies must evolve into purpose-driven entities. By fostering a culture where everyone is encouraged to think and act with a human-centric mindset, we elevate not just the individual, but the entire organization.

The Philosophy of Circle Leadership Global 

We believe that businesses flourish when they create an environment that celebrates the human spirit. This extends beyond everyday operations into how special occasions are recognized and valued, including team members' birthdays.

The Shift from Bosses to Coaches 

Transitioning from a traditional boss-led structure to one where leaders act as coaches is fundamental. It’s about mentorship, guidance, and support rather than command and control.

Cultivating an Ecosystem of Leadership 

In an ecosystem of leadership, every member's contribution is recognized. Birthdays are a fantastic opportunity to reinforce this ethos, showing that each individual is valued.

Beyond Hierarchies: Everyone Answers to Something First 

In our model, hierarchies take a back seat. Instead, we advocate for a structure where everyone is accountable to the organization's values and purpose first—a concept that can be beautifully highlighted through the way we celebrate our team members' personal milestones.

The Concept of Answering to Something, Not Someone 

Celebrating a birthday isn't just about acknowledging a person's existence; it’s a nod to their integral role in the shared purpose and mission of the company.

Integrating Human-First Principles into Corporate Celebrations 

A birthday is more than just a personal milestone; it's an opportunity to embody the human-first principles that define our company.

The Value of Celebrating Team Members' Birthdays 

When we celebrate a team member's birthday, we acknowledge their unique presence in our work family. It’s a chance to show we care about them beyond their professional roles.

Recognizing Individuality within the Team 

Each birthday is a reflection of an individual's journey. Celebrating this personal event honours the diversity and individuality of our team members.

There was a big horse race on here in Australia on the day of our own Humicorn's birthday, we back her as a winner every day.

Happy birthday Lisa Ferguson !!

Dave Clare