How to Create an Inspiring Vision for Purpose-Driven Leaders

entrepreneur vision May 03, 2022


– Someone to believe in.

Has there ever been a better time for becoming someone to believe in? This is the perfect storm for a purpose-driven leader. There has never been a better time for re-assessing your organizations' vision. Is it big enough? Is it inspiring enough?

The fascinating thing we find about vision today is that most visions are too small and not that inspiring. How inspirational it would be to have a vision of what already is, or certainly a given. That would be lackluster at best and far from inspirational. The market has changed through the global financial crisis, the pandemic, and climate change and this has caused tremendous uncertainty in the future. We get it but get used to it, it will happen again and again. Predictability on its own is out the window.

“If your vision is small because you are uncertain of the future, you're missing the point of a vision."
– a Clarism

There is no inspiration in certainty. There is no energy in something that is a given. Uncertain times is where great visions are born. Great companies and organizations emerge. Great leaders throughout history have shown us the power of vision to capture the spirit of people. People are energized when their spirit is captured. People want to be a part of something bigger than all of us combined.

We may not be able to predict the future, but we can create it. Imagining a world (your world) that does not yet exist and aligning an organization (with a purpose) to bring that world into reality is inspiring. Creating a world that adds value to other people’s lives for the better is inspiring. 

Rally the people to see something different, something they yearn for. They will want to do the work. They will want to be resourceful. They see what you see and are inspired to be a part of it. This is how you become someone to believe in.

Just imagine that it's 2037 and on the news, a headline flashes onto the screen:

"Thanks to the (Insert organization name) we now live in a world where (insert your vision). Here's a look back at how they did it."

It’s about when you reach your vision, it's that you reach it! This is why #VISIONINSPIRES.

“Let me ask you this, what would the world lose if your business didn't exist anymore?"
– a Clarism


Dave Clare - CEO & Founder, Circle Leadership