I See A World Where...

culture vision Oct 18, 2023

Do you recall Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's speech that stated 

"I have a #dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

As we all know, it wasn't the "I have a plan" speech...It was about the world he could see. 

His vision for America. 

One person, imagining a world (his world) that did not yet exist. 

It was #inspirational. 

It rallied a nation.

What we find though, is when it comes to casting a vision for a #business, most #owners don’t understand the need to develop a bold view of the impact on the world (your world) your business will create. They either make the mistake of having an inward/selfish vision (about how big your business will be or how many locations it will have etc.) or one that is too small because they are uncertain about the #future.

"If your vision is small because you are uncertain of the future, you're missing the point of a vision in the first place!" - a #Clarism

It’s a mistake to have a small or internal vision because the point of having a vision should be to inspire others to serve or change the world in some way for the better and create a long-term #legacy.

"If people can't see the future impact of the business, they won't see themselves impacting the future of the business."- a #Clarism

You should set a vision that is a yearning for a world that does not yet exist. If we live our #purpose every day through our #values, what impact will we have on the/our world in the next 10 - 20 years? 

It must be bold and inspirational to push you and your teams forward, even when the road ahead seems impossible.

Casting this inspiring vision creates a broader #perspective and creates an even deeper #commitment from your team. It helps them understand the need to #align the business's #evolution to become what it needs to be. 

They can feel it and be a part of it.

Cast a #vision of your world that is bigger than all of you combined and something you couldn't #accomplish alone. Become the #leader that people can believe in.

Can you imagine a world where…

  • Organisations think and act human first
  • Patients with cancer live long and healthy lives
  • Mental health care is a normal part of everyday life
  • There is harmony between humanity and technology
  • Collaboration happens instantly
  • Learning music is an essential part of everyone's life
  • Everyone has consistent clean power

Our #Clients certainly can. So next time, when you consider how casting your vision, you might want to ask yourself whether the vision is primarily about making a #profit (you) or about making a #difference (your world).

#leadership #visioninspires

Dave Clare

Chief Evolution Officer, Circle Leadership Global.



Please see above...you get the point.