Nov 16, 2022
You don’t need to remember 21 laws or 52 principles. You don’t need to remember a hierarchy of needs. You don’t need a lesson from wild animals and birds. There is no need to make it complicated. I urge you to keep it simple. We are working on the twenty percent, the fundamentals, that produce eighty percent.
If you go back to the very fundamentals of leadership I shared earlier, you lead people. People want three key things from an organisation or business:
Something to believe in
Someone to believe in them
Someone to believe in
As a leader, it becomes quite simple. Provide these three things! Let’s take a deeper look at HOW TO deliver these. Here is what you need to have:
The something to believe in is a PURPOSE. As the leader, you need to make sure you and your team have a reason bigger than yourselves and making money to believe in. Why do we come to work every day beyond making money?
The someone to believe in them is you. You are the purpose-driven leader using the unique VALUES to guide and empower their decision-making ability. This allows you to build trust and increase responsibility. Clear indicators that you believe in them!
The someone to believe in is also you and your VISION. As a purpose-driven leader with a vision of what the world will look like, you are the one who inspires people, as in “breaths spirit into” them. You know WHY and WHERE you are going.
In summary, as a purpose-driven leader here is what you need to create and become:
Something to believe in Purpose Engagement
Someone to believe in them Values Empowerment
Someone to believe in Vision Inspiration
Dave Clare, CEO & Founder - Circle Leadership
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