What Do You Answer To?

culture leadership purpose Mar 06, 2024
Everybody answers to something first, not someone. - a Clarism

This profound insight reminds me that at the heart of every organization lies a #purpose, a reason for being that transcends individual roles, titles, and hierarchies. It's not about who you are in the company; it's about why you're working together...to passionately solve this problem in the world.

1. The Purpose Above All: 

In every organization, the purpose serves as the reason we all get out of bed in the morning and choose to work here (beyond a paycheque). It's the seed of culture that directs decisions, actions, and strategies. Whether you're the CEO or a new intern, the organization's purpose doesn't discriminate. It holds everyone accountable to the same standard.

2. Values as the Guardians: 

The values of an organization act as the guardians of its purpose. They are the principles that help navigate the "how" in achieving the "why" and inform the "what." Every decision and every action should be measured against these values. Do they serve the purpose? Do they reject at any of our unique thinking and core principles?

3. The Right to Question: 

Empowering every member of the organization to question decisions professionally is not just about encouraging transparency; it's about ensuring alignment with the purpose and values. It's a testament to a culture that values purpose over position, and integrity over hierarchy.

4. Leadership's Role: 

True leadership is not about asserting authority but about fostering a culture where the purpose is paramount. Leaders should exemplify the organization's values, ensuring that their actions, and the decisions they make, always serve the greater purpose.

The beauty of aligning with a purpose first is that it democratizes the workplace. It places the mission above the individual, fostering a collective responsibility towards achieving that purpose. It's a reminder that in the grand scheme of things, we're all part of something bigger than ourselves. So, let's not just answer to someone; let's answer to something first - our shared purpose.

#PurposeDriven #OrganizationalValues #Leadership #CultureOfAccountability #Empowerment


Dave Clare, Chief Evolution Officer

Circle Leadership



Please see above...you get the point.