Why Does Your Business Exist?

culture entrepreneur purpose May 03, 2022



A PURPOSE THAT DRIVES YOU  – Something to believe in.

From GenZ, Millennials, to GenXers and Baby Boomers, people want more meaning in their life. We all do. Some as they are starting out, state “I want to do something that matters!” Some as they are wandering through it question; “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” Some as they are winding down believing “I still have time to make a difference!” Some as they are looking back on it contemplate “What legacy am I leaving?” Either way, they ALL want their lives to be meaningful.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
– Mark Twain

Help your team have a clear sense of understanding of the work they do and how it fits into the bigger picture. This is the greater good (the purpose) and gives them that sense of meaning. It would create work that is “meaning full”. They will have something to believe in. 

One of my clients was a Japanese Automotive parts supplier based in North America. They make components such as subframes, trailing arms, Lower Arm and Pedals as a Tier 1 supplier for Honda, Toyota, and General Motors vehicles. 

One day on a tour of their manufacturing facility in Canada, I had the opportunity to speak to some of the workers on the line. I stopped to have a chat with one of the parts stamping workers. I asked him about his job. He told me all the technical components as you would expect. He was well versed and trained in his role. Then I asked him about how his job fits into the bigger picture. He answered that well too. 

Then I asked him why the work he does is important. His answer again was textbook around quality and productivity. The part they were currently making was for the front end of a Honda mini-van. 

There was a lack of emotional connection to the work he was doing. I wanted to open his mind and heart to a deeper connection with his work. It was there, he just wasn’t seeing it or feeling it. 

I shared with him this little story. 

“I drive a minivan (I know, me in a minivan, right?) because I have a young family. We often take long trips in it. We get into it without any hesitation or thought about whether you have done your job right. My family’s life is in your hands.”

“People want their lives to be more meaningful. Give them work that is meaning full.”
– a Clarism

The conversation went a little further, but you get the point, right? As soon as this team member connected his work to my family’s life, his whole outlook on his job changed. His job now had greater meaning. His time at work was now meaning full. His life became a little more meaningful. I thanked him for taking care of my family and millions of others who trust he has done his job right. He smiled as I walked to the next part of the production line.

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You now have an engaged employee. It’s that simple.

Your business purpose doesn't have to ‘change the world’, but by adding meaning to your people's work, it could change theirs.



Remember the definition of leadership is to help people become the best version of themselves, so they can do their life's best work while in your care and beyond.

Dave Clare - CEO & Founder, Circle Leadership