Will My Younger Team Members Ever Perform?
May 03, 2022
Y tho?
As a classic ‘Gen Y’, and whom my mother refers to as her ‘spirited child’ (i.e. passionate, like a dog with a bone, and more than slightly argumentative at times), growing up, here’s what didn’t work for me (or Mum):
Mum: Lisa, <<<do this thing that makes no sense to an otherwise distracted 7 year old>>>
Me: In a whiny kid brat voice: But Mumm, whhhyyyyy?
Mum: Because I said.
Me: *Insert more whiny kid brat defiance here*
Mum: *Something about waiting until my father gets home*
Me: Eyerolling, reluctant, half-assed engagement in said “stupid dumb” chore, taking me away from something way funner and cooler that I’d much rather have stayed doing – like tazos. (Wow I’ve really given away my age here lol.)
So not my best work.
Certainly not my best self.
Totally unengaged.
Truth be told, not much has changed since I was 7, except I was probably more mature then, lol.
I’m still passionate.
I’m still somewhat distracted.
I still can’t get around things that don’t make sense to me and will whinge if I have to do them.
And because I'm ‘full size’ now, that might actually make me a bigger pain in the ass than I once was because #yourenotmyrealdad... and if you were, I’ll tell you where to go anyway, (which he’ll attest to) #loveyoudad.
But I kinda like that if someone says ‘jump’ I don’t just respond with ‘how high?’.
I also love that I’m so far removed from ‘why-do-we-do-this-because-its-the-way-we've-always-done-it' mentality that I can’t even be called ‘the black sheep’... because I’m not a sheep.
Hence Humicorn.
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So, all that fun storytime with Lis said;
If you’re looking for movers and shakers in your business to get around the incredible work your organisation is doing in the world, when does it become primary and integral to give them a purpose that engages them?
Because if you have a BHAV (Big Hairy Audacious Vision) for the world that is far greater than you could ever achieve on your own, would it not be crucial that the calibre of people you need to help you achieve that; the ones who are getting out of bed in the morning and leaving their loved ones to join YOU on YOUR quest;
Know why the f..., sorry ‘heck’ they’re doing it?
(The passion’s starting to pour!)
And would it not be better if they are EXCITED about it?
Or would you rather people who are just in it for the money and don’t actually give a crap?
If you’re reading this, I’m gonna assume that the world is a far better place because you and your organisation exists.
And the world needs more ‘awesome’, ‘incredible’ and ‘amazing’ right now, which you absolutely are.
So if you can get more awesomeness, incredibleness and amazingness gathering together in your organization to scale that, and that comes from having a PURPOSE that engages people to get around more than just the water cooler, then when is THAT the most important thing in the world right now to raise the vibration and consciousness of the planet... so the aliens stop laughing at us?
My purpose – my why – was born from being born into this mob.
My (long suffering) fam in a recreation pic we did at Christmas.
I may be the firstborn, however still the biggest child of them all!